About Ukraine

Ukraine is in eastern Europe, right next to Russia. It's population is 46 million people.

The people are very nice and they will greet you with their famous
dish called, "Borsht."   Borsht is a red soup with beets, potatoes, cabbage, carrots,
and onions. With that they also serve a second dish called,"Vereniky."  They are dumplings made
of dough and filled with mashed potatoes,  cabbage, cheese, or fruit.  My favorite is filled with strawberries. They are the best when you dip them in sour cream.

In Ukraine after school the Ukrainian kids play soccer, it is their famous sport.  But, they call it football not soccer. For the most part, Ukrainian kids don't hear a lot of the English language.  So if they met you, an English speaking kid, you would be very popular to them. They would ask you lots of questions, want you to play soccer with them, and have you over to their house.

Ukraine has lots of malls in the bigger cities.  In their malls they have skating rinks, arcades, bowling alleys, and movie theaters. Lots of young people hang out at the malls and have lots of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali! Thanks for letting me read your blog! I like the pictures and the fun colours you have chosen. I think you have a very interesting life for a girl your age. I look forward to reading about Moldova (I've never been there) and how daily life in Moldova compares with Ukraine. Way to go...
